Tuesday, October 28, 2008

6 Months After the Tornado

Today it has been 6 months since a tornado hit my house. It is election time for the mayor in the city of Suffolk so I have to make my thoughts known. This is very long.

On April 28, 2008, I looked outside my window and I saw a tornado across the street from my house. I picked up my then 8 month old daughter and headed to the middle of the house. I grabbed a queen size mattress in one hand while I was holding my daughter in the other hand and ran to the bathroom. Yes, adrenaline turns you into superwoman. I felt my house shake and heard what sounded like a train. The wind blew my AC window unit inside my house and I just knew that was the end. I put my body over my daughter hoping that any debri would fall on me and not her. The few seconds seemed like hours. The tornado siren went on after it finally went through my neighborhood. Luckily my house was still standing. I went outside and it looked like a disaster area. My front porch was standing straight in the air, my back porch was caved in from a tree, my shed had a tree on it and there were trees that missed my house by inches on each side. God was really looking out for us because if one of the trees would have fell inches to the right it would have fallen on top of us.

The house next to me had trees everywhere and they lost about 5 or 6 vehicles. They had 7 people in their house that day. The mom was standing outside on the front porch and saw the tornado coming. She had been watching the news all day and she was prepared. She had a fanny pack with all important information and had even written her kids name on them with a permanent marker. She packed up her 5 year old and her then 5 month old and got in her van. Her 2 other children, one of her kid's pregnant girlfriend and a friend also got in vehicles. They took off toward the Driver section of Suffolk. The tornado actually followed them down Kings Highway. Her back bumper was torn off and it was being lifted in the air. Luckily she accelerated enough that her van and her children were not tossed in the air. She looked in her rear view mirror and saw the tornado destroy Driver.

My neighbors 2 doors down were also affected. They are an elderly couple. They were standing outside when they saw the tornado headed to their house. They had just seconds to get inside. A tree fell on their house and they lost vehicles and other property. They have yet to move back in their house.

I have not spoken to the other people that were affected on my road. One house is abandoned and the other house is a summer vacation home.

Our electricity was out for 4 days after and we had to live in a hotel. We went home every day to try to clean the debri inside and out of our house. We are from Arkansas and do not know anybody here. There was nobody to help us with anything at all. The elderly couple that lives 2 doors down from us is from Florida and they don't know anybody here either.

The neighbor with all the children was really lucky. Her family is from Virginia and they had about 20 people coming to their house within hours to remove trees and board up windows. The next day their house was clear of all debri. There are 2 houses on one property and they live in one house and we live in the other. The trees were cleared around their house but not around ours. It kind of depressed me to know that people in Suffolk actually cared about them and wanted to help.

I started calling the many department in the City of Suffolk starting the day of the tornado. I called the Linda Johnson's Office. You name the department and I called them. I never received a response from anyone. I watched the media coverage of the aftermath in the Driver area, Obici area and Burnett's Mill from my hotel room. It amazed me at the amount of people that were helping with the clean up. Linda Johnson was there and so was Tim Kaine. I thought the people in Suffolk would be that nice and come help us too after they were done with the larger areas of devastation. I was wrong, wrong, wrong!

On May 6, eight days after the tornado, a deacon from Celebration Church (they have services on Sundays at the YMCA starting at 10:00 am) just happened to drive down our road. He saw the trees everywhere and asked us if anyone was helping us. Of course we said that nobody in the entire city of Suffolk had offered to help us. At this point nobody from the City had been to our house. Did they even know that we were affected? Do I live in an invisible section of Suffolk? The next day on May 7, a representative from the United Way came to visit us. They saw the damage and gave us some Walmart cards. All of our groceries were ruined so it was nice buying food again. On May 8, 10 days after the tornado, finally a person from the Department of Planning and Community Development showed up. They assessed the damage and I told them about the huge tick problem. After over a week with all the trees in our yard and our neighbors 2 doors door from us their were ticks EVERYWHERE. My poor dog had tick bites all over her and contracted Lyme Disease. A few other people on my road got the disease too. We couldn't afford to pay someone to remove the trees and our landlord was being a butt. He is a tight wad and wouldn't help us! We definitely couldn't afford to move either.

Then I went to the community meeting. Linda Johnson and the city manager both stood up on the stage and said that we could call them at any time and could even call them at home. They showed a list of the communities that were affected by the storm and you guessed it my road was nowhere on the list. I felt very unimportant an invisible yet again.

A few days later I found out that the City wouldn't spray for ticks until my trees were removed. I am very thankful that the Celebration Church offered to put us up in a hotel for a month and actually paid for my dog to be taken to the vet. They also got someone to spray for ticks in our house. Another person that helped us out a lot was Angela Koncz. She is the founder of the Suffolk Fuller Center. The Army asked her if there was anyway that they could help the storms victims. On May 10, a whole group of people from the Army came and cleared trees and helped clean up our road. All I could do that day was cry and tell everyone thank you.

Six months later the residents on my road are still affected every day. The female neighbors and myself have severe anxiety every time it storms. Sometimes I just go hide in the bathroom and cry when I see the wind blowing the trees. My neighbor's pregnant girlfriend almost went into preterm labor because of her anxiety. I still do not have my shed fixed and there is a very large tree that is still sitting beside my house. Every time I go outside my house I am reminded that I was an invisible citizen of Suffolk.

The real heroes of the tornado aftermath was not the City of Suffolk at all and especially not Mayor Linda Johnson. The churches, community organizations and the military were the people that really helped storm victims. Remember when you go to the polls on November 4 that we do not need a city government that does not care about its smallest citizens. Don't vote for Linda Johnson or you will be invisible too.

Pictures of the Tornado

Monday, October 20, 2008

Why I am Voting for Obama

I have been inspired to speak about why I am voting for Barack Obama on November 4. He is actually not liberal enough for me but I am still supporting him. I am a Southern Baptist preacher's daughter, a Christian, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend and a rape and domestic violence victim. That is why I am a liberal.

One of the most important issues to me is health care. I do not have health insurance and neither does my 13 month old daughter. I only work part time because day care expenses in VA are outrageous. I do not fully agree with either candidates plan on health care but Obama's is the best. He plans to lower health care costs, offer new affordable health insurance options and require insurance companies to cover pre-exisiting conditions. It is a step in the right direction but we need to eventually go with Hillary Clinton's universal health care plan.

Women's issues are also very important for me because I have a daughter. McCain and Palin do not care about issues concerning women. John McCain voted no for the Violence Against Women Act. That bill is very important to me because it provides money for domestic violence shelters and judicial and law enforcement programs to prevent violence towards women. Joe Biden was the author of that bill. McCain also does not care about women in the workplace. He voted against the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act which would ensure equal pay for women. He also opposes expanding the Family Medical Leave Act. Another important issue for women is abortion and family planning. Obama supports a woman's right to choose and would put pro-choice Supreme Court justices on the bench. McCain and Palin oppose abortion in all cases even when the person is raped or is a victim of incest. Palin even wanted women who have been raped to pay for their own rape kit. As a rape victim I am outraged that people still have the opinion that abortion is wrong.

As a tree hugging vegetarian the environment is very important to me. I tried to read John McCain's plan on his website and it sounded like nonsense. Sarah Palin would be the worse VP and biggest threat to animals and the environment in the history of the United States! She supports aerial hunting of wolves, she sued the Interior Department for putting polar bears on the endangered species and advocates drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. That is very scary that she would be that close to being the President. John McCain is old and has health problems. Obama's plan is easy and simple to understand. He wants to get 1 million hybrid cars on the road by 2015, create millions of green jobs to develop clean energy technology and reduce greenhouse emission by 80%.

I also have to respond to the emails and bulletins I receive on MySpace from so called Christians. I am amazed at how many bigoted and racist people there are! Apparently I am going to hell because I am voting for a Democrat. Here's some of my favorite bible verses that tell me differently.
-Love your neighbor as yourself. .[Matthew 22:39]
-So in everything, do to others as you would have them do to you.[Matthew 7:12.]
-If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. [Matthew 19:21]
-But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. You will be repaid at the resurrection of the just. [Luke 14:13 &14.]
-You cannot serve both God and Money. [Matthew 6:24.]
-I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despite-fully use you, and persecute you; [Matthew 5:44]
This is how I live my life and I wish other Christians would too.

I hope you can better understand my reasons that I am voting for Obama. This is a very important election! Go to the polls on November 4 and vote Barack Obama. He is the change that we need!

My next blog is going to be about the mayoral race in Suffolk, VA.

I got all of my information on this blog from the Barack Obama and John McCain websites.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Obama Rally

I really want Amaya to be involved in the political process so we went to a rally for Barack Obama yesterday at Newport News, VA. She has seen a former President(Bill Clinton) and the future President speak. We got there at 9:30 and had to walk 8 blocks to get to the end of the line. There was over 15,000 people there. The doors opened at 10:30 and we finally got in at 12:00. When we were at the beginning of the line they decided that no strollers were allowed and we couldn't have any drinks or food. I ended up holding her for 2 hours straight. He finally got there at 1:00 and it was amazing! Obama is one of the greatest speakers that I have seen. His main focus was to talk about health care. That is my most important issue this year in the Presidential Election. I am really pumped and I can't wait for November 4th!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Cloth Diapers

I decided to make the switch to cloth diapers at one year. I was thinking about all the waste I had contributed to when I was emptying out the diaper pail. I just got my first shipment of diapers yesterday and so far they are great! Pictures to come.