Monday, February 9, 2009

February already?

I can't believe it is already February! You can probably tell that I don't have much free time to even update my blog. I think I am going to have to revise my reading list already! I really thought I could read 1 book a week all year long. It is not working out like I planned.

Amaya's separation anxiety is getting worse and worse. It is like she thinks that every time I step out of the room I am going to leave her forever. I had to work 4 nights one week instead of my normal 3 and it really messed with her head or something. I spend 65% of my awake time with her on my lap, 25% with her screaming and trying to climb up my leg because she wants in my lap and just a small 10% with her playing independently. Nap time and sleep time are both spent with her either laying on top of me or right beside me. It is really hard to keep a clean house or cook anything. Anytime I make a move I have to explain to her what I'm doing or where I'm going. I really need to work on when I have to leave her. It breaks my heart to see her cry that hard so I think I make the goodbyes linger too long. I end up almost crying too because of the guilt of leaving her. I read somewhere that separation anxiety can last up to the elementary school age. My poor, sweet kid. I hope she grows out of it before then.

Here are the latest pics. I just realized she had the same shirt she had on last time I post pics.

She now hides every time she poops in her diaper. I caught her hiding at the Children's Museum.

At the Children's Museum again. I was proud of her. She was helping a little boy build a castle. She really enjoyed stacking the big blocks.

The only way I can get her to look at the camera these days is when she is in her car seat.

I found her again hiding and pooping later the same day! Check out her crazy hair when it is not fixed. I'm scared to cut it!